One reason for the lasting appeal of Bear Mountain is that every property within the community has restrictive covenants registered against it. A Section 219 Restrictive Covenant, including a Declaration of Building Scheme with Use Restrictions, is registered against residential properties at Bear Mountain, setting out requirements or restrictions that are applicable within the Bear Mountain Community. The covenants are to provide certainty on architectural matters, the general appearance of lots, parking, and other issues. These covenants are binding on all current and future owners. A restrictive covenant is a legal charge tied to the title of the land. This means that when the land changes owners the covenant still applies. Covenants were put into place as part of the original vision for Bear Mountain to protect the natural beauty of our mountain community and maintain land values.
No parking of industrial/commercial trucks, and/or recreational vehicles (e.g. motor homes/boats etc.) for more than 5 days on any lot, except within an enclosed garage
No poles, masts, antennae or similar devices
Other than domestic indoor house-hold pets, no animals, birds or live-stock shall be kept on lot
Paint colours/ exterior finishing in keeping with architectural character of home and pre-covenant administrator
Nature of ancillary buildings (e.g. garden shed or detached garage)
Wooden perimeter fencing is not permitted nor is any type of front yard fencing. Privacy screens maybe permitted but must be approved by the covenant administrator
Landscaping is to be maintained ongoing (including irrigation)
Convents are in place for the benefit of neighboring property owners. It provides each home owner a degree of protection or security as to what might be constructed on neighboring properties. Realtors report that because covenants exist properties have greater resale value. An Administrator has been charged with the responsibility for Covenant matters. The Administrator is to approve any and all construction, landscaping and renovation (future improvements) plans.